Sunday, September 7, 2008

Et tu, Beef Jerk-ay?

So, hubs has been sneaking the furry one some midnight snacks (Yes, he is the midnight snacker what snacks at midnight)

How did I figure this out? Well, I was on the couch, expecting some snuggling with the furry one. Why? Well, I am the one who found the furry one and adopted him; I walk him, feed him, play with him and lavish him with attention. Normally, mine is the lap he comes running for. This time, though, he goes hurtling by me and settles into hubs lap. Hrm. Whatever. Then, the night night, same thing. Being the sensitive goddess I am, I feel rather hurt by this, but stoically soldier on, cold lapped and ignored though I am. I must have been radiating miserableness because hubs sheepishly looks over and says "Um, I guess it's the beef jerky I have at night"

Can you feel my eyebrow quirking here? Mr. "We are not going to spoil this dog" has been feeding the furry one BEEF JERKY?!? Secretly, while I get my goddess-y z's so that I can get up and the friggin crack of dawn to walk oh furry one and still get to work on time? Yeah. Hrm.

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