Friday, May 30, 2008

They like me, they REALLY like me!

I had an interview at a branch of the public library. I was on all 1000watts, I'm telling you I sold it to the friggin cheaps seats, ladies and gentlemen. And you know what, the day after my interview the CALLED AND OFFERED ME THE JOB!

I'm sorry, you didn't catch that? I'm free. No more struggling to assist a woman who has the charisma of a lion but no experience in her position and no desire to learn how to do anything. No more going to work when I'm not getting paid to be there. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I get to pee whenever I dang well need to, because I'm a big kid now!

Anyway, on a serious note, I feel this new position will offer me the chance to expand and grow proffesionally, in a way that my current job is unable to offer. I also feel that the polices upheld by the supervisors at my new position are more in line with my own beliefs as far as what I am willing to offer the public. Also, they'll be paying me GOBS more money, and I can wear jeans on Fridays. Oh, did I mention I don't have to beg for a bathroom break like a victim of the Spanish Inquesition? Why the Spanish Inquesition? Because NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISION! NOBODY!

So, um, yeah. That is all.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Take this job and shove it

I used to love my job. I still love the kids and I still love books, but working for the public school system has turned me into a raving lunatic. It has become a nightly ritual for hubs to look across the dinner table at me and say "Just quit."

"I Ca~an't!" I wail, thinking of the steady paycheck and the priceless ability to be with the kids whenever they are out of school.

I give all I have to my job. I work from the minute I step in the building to the minute I walk out the door; always smiling. The kids flock to me, because they know I care about them and want to hear what they have to say. And, well, I'm one groovy g33ky goddess. Truly.

But the bureaucratic bullshit that happens inside the "ol' schoolhouse" is truly something I can't stomach. Why can't I be a better ass kisser? It's truly the only way to get ahead.