Monday, June 15, 2009

One day...

One day I'll find a job that I can stay with until I'm ready to retire. I will, I know it. I won't be some strange vagabond chick for hire, gallivanting around endearing myself to my co-workers then leaving in a blaze of glory for that greener grass across the fence.

Right now, I'm in some serious need of a job where the rules and policies are clear and concise and everyone agrees to abide by them. A place where hard work is rewarded, crappy work is punished, and everyone at least pretends to haul their own (especially if the higher ups are around). I can't deal with the prima donnas who are worried about nothing but making themselves look good, and have no qualms at all thrusting the knife in the minute your back is turned.

Until I find that magical job, I promise myself I will stop believing I'm responsible for everything that is going on. I will do what I need to do, let everyone else worry about themselves and their responsibilities, and just keep my head down and my mouth shut. Well, at least for the rest of the day...